martes, 19 de julio de 2011


A- Checking comprehension:

1. What was James’s perception of marriage?
2. What were his relatives’ wishes in relation to marriage?
3. How did he react to the wife-to-be suggested by his family?
4. What impression do you make of James’ personality?
5. What do you think James found particularly irritating about having tea in the traditional way?
6. What was his view on what women should be like?
7. Why did he decide to visit Rhoda when he was on the way to Joan’s house?
8. What struck James about Rhoda’s ways?
9. What does the end of the story inform the reader?

B- Debate: Marriage – a strictly necessary legal requirement, a romantic affair or a mere cultural imposition?

C- Role-plays:
Situation 1 – James and his female relatives talking about a necessary marriage.
Situation 2: James’ s visit to Rhoda’s house.
Situation 3: James giving the news about his wedding to his family.

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